There are five (5) books of the Torah, and there are five (5) Gospels. The return of the Lord Messiah Yeshua is Good News for those who belong to Him, and this Good News is revealed in The Fifth Gospel called the Book of Revelation!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Obama and Antichrist

Antichrist wants a one world, or "universal" religion, and a one world government. He will say things like "It is imperative that the nations and peoples of the world speak with one voice." Obama said these words on the last line of this story:

Obama is not the Antichrist, but he is one of many antichrists working to obtain the goals of the ultimate Antichrist.

1 John 2:18 "Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now there are many antichrists; whereby we know it is the last time." KJV

Monday, February 21, 2011

The great merchants

Gold and Silver, especially Silver

Trust the Lord Yeshua the Promised Messiah.

Then, trust Gold and Silver. Why? Gold and Silver are "real money". Gold and Silver are "real money" in the Bible, and they are "real money" in the Constitution.

Real money differs from the "money of account", "money of exchange", "currency" that you carry in your pocket. The "money" in your pocket, if you live in the USA, are Federal Reserve Notes. As with all "notes" they are debt instruments. They are not real money.

These notes are like blood to Satan's beast system. They flow like blood, or current, or "currency" through Satan's beast keeping it healthy. The nice feature about these notes for Satan, is that he can steal the value from them undetected.

I will go into detail about the fraudulant money system if someone so requests, or if I am moved one day to do so. I was compelled to post this today because of what I have been informed of coming on the Gold and Silver markets very soon, that is a shortage. These shortages will be in physical Gold and Silver, not paper Gold and Silver because those are made up just like currency.

These shortages will cause price increases. These price increases are refelected in dollars, but wealth in Gold and Silver is not reflected in dollars, just ounces.

Sunday, February 20, 2011



Friday, February 18, 2011


Blessed Sabbath everyone! The Sabbath starts here today at 5:45p CST. Check your local sunset times to see when it begins for you. It is ancient, it is hallowed, it is His! Remember it and keep it Holy!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Saturday, February 12, 2011

The party is over

If the dollar is no longer used as the world's reserve currency:, the party will soon be over. What party? The party wherein politicians from both sides of the political spectrum get to spend money they/we don't have.

As long as the dollar is the world's reserve currency, and therefore carries with it a coinciding world demand, countries like China will continue to buy our Treasuries. As long as there is a market for these Treasuries, the private Federal Reserve Bank will continue to print Federal Reserve Notes that you and I carry in our pockets. You will notice that these "notes" are denominated in "dollars", and they subscribe to the Law of Notes.

To understand the significance of world reserve currency status, understand that when Germany wants to buy oil from Saudi Arabia they do so with Dollars. When this status is relinquished, the type of worldwide economic conformity described here: Revelation 13:17 "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." cannot be far behind.

Back to it.

This is going to be a lame post, but it serves a purpose for the writer.

Most of my writing has been on a Facebook page I established for covering the same material I intended to cover here. Getting myself to write regularily in one area of the World Wide Web was difficult. Writing in two areas is not practical, and was not going to happen.

Therefore, I have chosen this blog as my preferred venue in which to reflect on the happenings of the world, and how they may or may not fit into Last Days Prophecy.

The previous two posts are still relevant, and provide the purpose for even engaging in this excercise.

So this is a start, a new start.